The Family Obligation Some of the most agonized questions I hear are from people who are unsure about their obligation to their family members. How do they...
The Family Structure The family is God’s plan, the fundamental building block of society, and the source of ninety percent of our joy and misery. This...
Growing into Yourself Believing in Jesus, trusting in his grace, and giving your life to him is the way to grow into yourself and have the life God intended for...
Getting Over Yourself The story of Joseph in the Bible is the story of a man who grew up by getting over himself. We are not talking about Joseph, the husband of...
Growing Past Anger Some people move through this life as if they were chained to a heavy weight. The name of that weight is anger. Anger will hold you...
Paul: Fast Track Growth We all know that God wants us to grow, to mature, to become the people he made us to be. Does God want us to change fast, like the...
Moses: Growing into a Leader You are a leader. Everybody is a leader. Maybe it happens in the family, or at work, or in the neighborhood. At some point God will...
The Prodigal Son We are most interested in stories when we can identify with one of the characters. We don’t care about the story unless we care...
The Parable of the Talents How much tolerance for risk do you have? Do you need to account for every contingency before you move forward? Are you willing to...