Why Not Be Wronged? The Apostle Paul heard that people in one of his churches were dragging one another to court. Instead of resolving their differences in a...
God Gives the Growth God is not finished with you. The Scriptures promise that God will complete the work he has begun in you. You will become more mature. ...
The Spirit It would be nice to be able to understand what God is trying to tell us. It would be nice to know the particulars of the life God...
The Starting Point: The Cross Everybody has a worldview, a perspective through which they view everything in their lives and in their world. When a person becomes a...
blessing the children The way to have a healthy family is for the family to know their need to God. They need to know that God is the creator of heaven and...
Honor Your Father and Your Mother The commandment, “Honor your father and your mother,” is important for the creation and maintenance of healthy families. More...
The Capable Wife Proverbs 31 concludes with a well-known poem that begins, “The capable wife, who can find?” It is a twenty-two verse acrostic...
The Life That is Really Life The good life is a life that is lived for Jesus Christ. It is trusting him for your salvation and serving people in his name. That is...
The Lost and Found Life Jesus said, “Those who try to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for his sake, and for the sake of the...