The Body of Christ Do you matter, and does it matter that you matter? The answer is yes, you do matter, and it does matter that you matter. That is one...
The Lord’s Supper The Lord’s Supper, or communion, as we often call it, is very simple. It really boils down to three things. We say some words. ...
Tested In this life you will be tested. At some point you will find out if you have what it takes. It might be a crisis that comes upon you,...
All Things to All People We are always distinguishing the negotiables from the non-negotiables. We are always trying to separate our primary purpose from our...
Why Not Be Wronged? The Apostle Paul heard that people in one of his churches were dragging one another to court. Instead of resolving their differences in a...
God Gives the Growth God is not finished with you. The Scriptures promise that God will complete the work he has begun in you. You will become more mature. ...
The Spirit It would be nice to be able to understand what God is trying to tell us. It would be nice to know the particulars of the life God...
The Starting Point: The Cross Everybody has a worldview, a perspective through which they view everything in their lives and in their world. When a person becomes a...
blessing the children The way to have a healthy family is for the family to know their need to God. They need to know that God is the creator of heaven and...