The Problem “Houston, we have a problem.” No disrespect to Jack Swigart or the rest of the crew of Apollo 13, but they are not the only...
Waiting for the Holy Spirit We are only a few days away from Christmas. Then, seven days later, we celebrate the new year, the year 2022 Anno Domini. Then we get back...
Trimming Deadwood John the Baptist said, “Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown in the fire.” Getting ready for Jesus...
Testify to the Light The most important thing God asks of us is that we would believe him, that we would believe in Jesus, that we would believe that God sent...
Turnaround Things don’t have to be the way they are. The world doesn’t have to be as troubled as it is. Our own lives don’t need to...
Talking to God A man we know as Brother Lawrence wrote a book in the 1600s called “The Practice of the Presence of God.” Brother Lawrence...
Deeper Together We want to be deep people, spiritual people. We go farther on our spiritual journey if we travel in the company of like-minded believers....