One Plus One Plus One Equals One We have a new way to do math this week. We are claiming that one plus one plus one equals one. One of the foundational doctrines of the...
Share Jesus and Be Persistent In his Second Letter to Timothy, the apostle Paul has some advice about sharing Jesus with others. Encourage. No one was ever argued into...
Share Jesus and Expect Setbacks There’s a children’s board game called “Chutes and Ladders.” It is the most exasperating game in the world. ...
Sharing Means Talking “Preach the Gospel at all times, and if necessary, use words.” That quote is from St. Francis. We get the point, but there...
To Share Good News You Have To Be Good News The gospel of Jesus Christ is good news. It is the good news that there is a Creator God who knows you and cares about you. It is the...
Sharing Jesus out of Compassion People share Jesus for many reasons. One of the best reasons to share Jesus is compassion. Compassion means suffering with other...
Sharing Jesus with the Motivated Some churches are intentionally “seeker sensitive.” They understand that there are people who are looking for something but...
Sharing Jesus with Your Family It is difficult to talk about the things most important to you. Even with your family. Especially with your family. Thus it can be...
I’m Here to Serve on God’s Mission God is on a mission to fix this troubled world, and God wants you to tell people about his plan. God’s assignment to you is called...