Goodness The Bible says that one of the the fruits of the Spirit is goodness. It says that we should support our faith with goodness, and our...
Kindness Wouldn’t it be nice if people were a little more kind? It doesn’t feel like that is asking too much. It’s not like...
Patience If we could do whatever we wanted whenever we wanted, we would not need God. If we could do whatever we wanted whenever we wanted, we...
Peace The Letter to the Galatians tells us that the fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,...
Joy “I hope you’re happy.” Usually when someone says that, they are upset with you, and what they really mean is that they...
Love Love is the first of the fruits of the Spirit. It is not easy to define love. We say we love our children, but we also say we love...
The Holy Spirit Most followers of Jesus are more familiar with the Father and the Son than with the Holy Spirit. We know God the Father. The sunrise,...
Grace and Generosity We are saved through the amazing grace of God. It is by the grace of that we are alive. It is by the grace of God that we have made it...
Grace and Giftedness You have been fully equipped to live this life. You are lacking nothing. All you need has been given you by the grace of God. Everybody...