God created us with a need to belong.  God also provided the means to meet our need.  One of our fundamental purposes in this life is to be part of God’s family, the church.

What does it look like to be part of God’s family?

It looks, first of all, like showing up.  If you are part of the family, you need to come home at least once in a while.  In our time we have expanded our definition of being present.  A person can attend worship online and still be part of the congregation.  We need to do at least that much.  Being part of God’s family means being present.

Second, being part of God’s family means making a few friends and forming a few relationships.  We don’t connect with an abstract concept like “the congregation.”  We connect with real people.  Being part of God’s family is more than having your name on a list.  Being part of God’s family is getting to actually know some other folks.

Third, being part of God’s family means you have a job.  If you are part of the family, you contribute to the family.  We discern our spiritual gifts, not only because it is satisfying to develop our abilities, but because our church needs us to help the best way we can.  When you are just a guest, others wait on you.  Members of the family chip in.

In our sermon this Sunday, we will look at the second of God’s answers to the question, “Why am I here?”  “I’m here to be part of God’s family.”