“Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever follows perverse ways will be found out” – Proverbs 10:9

This Sunday, Father’s Day, we will be talking about integrity.  Integrity is not just the name of our church.  It is a continual theme throughout the Book of Proverbs.

What is integrity?  Integrity is being a whole, complete, consistent person.  Your words and your actions match.  You behave the same way when you are with powerful as you behave when you are with people who can do nothing for you.  The author C.S. Lewis said “Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching.”

The Bible emphasizes three rewards of integrity.  The first reward is that you don’t need to worry about being exposed as something other than who you claim to be.  If you try to deceive people, you will always be found out.  If you walk in integrity, you are freed from the fear of being found out.  The second reward is you can have healthy relationships.  Any success you might have depends upon getting along with other people.  Healthy relationships depend upon evidence that you are who you say you are and that you will do what you say you will do.  The third reward is vindication.  Good character does not guarantee that you will be spared suffering in this world.  Far from it.  But if you walk in integrity, eventually you will be vindicated.

What does walking with integrity have to do with following the way of Jesus Christ?  Everything.  The reality is that no matter how well intentioned we may be, we all fall short at times.  The world is not divided into people with integrity and people without integrity.  We all have had moments that we are not proud of.  But we can change.  The power of Jesus in our lives helps us to live with integrity, and the grace of Jesus Christ helps us to try again when we don’t.  Make Jesus the Lord of your life, and practice walking in integrity.

In our sermon this Sunday, we will look at what it means to walk in integrity.