In the Book of Proverbs it says to consider the ant.  The ant works hard and prepares for the future.  People should take notice, it says, because a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, and poverty will be upon you like a robber.”

Our takeaways:

The Bible says hard work is a good thing.  The wise person works hard.  The lazy person is a fool.  Work ennobles the human spirit, develops the gifts God gave us, and contributes to the common good.

We work because we understand the concept of time.  We work today for the sake of creating a better future for ourselves and those around us.

What work won’t do for you: work will not save you.  You don’t form your identity or justify your existence or earn your way to heaven by working hard.  For salvation we lean upon Jesus Christ.  We are saved by his sacrifice on the cross.  Trust in Jesus, and then you will be set for eternity.  Then you can concentrate on getting to work and making the best life you can.  Like the ant.