Jesus said, “Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you.”

You should have enemies.  I would like to think that you would have values and standards and at least occasional be opposed to the prevailing opinions of the culture.  It has been said that if you don’t run into the devil now and then, it may be because you are travelling  in the same direction, which you don’t want to do.  You should have enemies.

You should love your enemies in proactive, tangible, practical ways.   Go the second mile.  Pay their debts.  Turn the other cheek.  Do for them what they would not expect.   Do proactive, tangible, practical acts of kindness for them.

You should love your enemies because that is what God is like.  He sends the rain to fall on the just and the unjust.  While we were still enemies, he gave Jesus to die for our sake.  Maturity means becoming like God and Jesus.  Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

In our sermon this Sunday, we will conclude our sermon series, “Knowing What Love Is,” by talking about loving our enemies.