Invest in your financial future.  It is possible to estimate how much money you might need someday and make  a plan.   It is possible, but it is not easy.  Your current financial needs may make it difficult to set anything aside.  There are so many unpredictable factors.  It is not easy, but nonetheless it is good to have a plan.  It is better to have a plan, and later adjust it, than to have no plan at all.

Invest in people.  Keep in touch with people.  Give them a call.  Stay in touch, not because they can do something for you, but simply because you value them.  If you invest in people today, you will reap a rich harvest later.

Invest in the kingdom of God.  We are not here just to satisfy our own needs and desires.  We are here to make a difference.  The kingdom of God is the world the way it will be when all is according to God’s design.  God has ordained that we are part of the plan for bringing his kingdom into being.

In our sermon this Sunday we will talk about investing in your future.