Everyone has a Plan A.  Some people know it.  They are very methodical, intentional, and focused.  Other people don’t realize it until life goes bad and they find themselves in some place they never wanted to be.  Even if we don’t know it, we all have expectations.  Everyone has a Plan A.  And Plan A usually doesn’t work out.

Sometimes Plan A doesn’t work out because of us.  We sabotage our own plans.  We feel entitled and don’t put in the work.  We are prideful and don’t have a realistic sense of our strengths.  We are not mature enough.  Sometimes the problem is us.  Sometimes the problem is the world.  We cannot control our circumstances.  There are a lot of external factors that cannot be anticipated.  Sometimes the problem is the world.  Sometimes the problem is God.  God may determine that we need to become more spiritual, more like Jesus, before he will allow us to succeed at our plan.  Our plan might be a good one, and God might say, “Okay, but not yet.”  Sometimes Plan A doesn’t work out because of us, or the world, or God, or a combination of all three.

You can start over after Plan A doesn’t work out.  It may feel as if you can’t.  It may feel as if you gave everything you had to Plan A.  It may feel like you have no idea what Plan B might be and no idea how you could find out.  It might feel as if everything worked out fine for everyone else and you are walking around with a t-shirt that says, “loser”.  It might feel as if there is no way you will try again.  You will, and you can.  You might not be ready quite yet.  You might need some time to think over why things didn’t work out the first time.  You might need to identify some changes you need to make.  You might need to grow up a little.  You might need some time to heal.  Give yourself the time and the self-examination and the improvement you need and then get going on Plan B.  Plan A didn’t work out?  No problem.  You can start over.

In our sermon this Sunday we will talk about starting over when Plan A didn’t work out.