God designed us to be in relationship with people beyond our family.  We were made to connect with friends and neighbors and church members.  In this way we mirror the image of God, who is highly relational.  God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, one God, three persons in relationship with each other.

There are practical reasons for having a network of people: protection and productivity.  When we have other people with us, we have a defense against some of the bad things that can happen in this life.  We also get more done.  Nothing of significance is ever accomplished by one solitary person.  People who do great things always involve other people in their vision and train them to be part of their team.

How do we form healthy relationships with one another?  Make it happen.  Take the initiative.  The default setting of our age is isolation.  For us, a greater danger than bad relationships is no relationships.  Make it your responsibility to know and keep in touch with neighbors, friends, and church members.

In our sermon on Sunday we will talk about how to have healthy relationships with one another.