We can’t live without hope.  The people who depend upon us need us to keep hope.  Hope is our anchor for the soul.  We need to know where to find hope.  We need to know what hope is and who hope is.

What is hope?  Hope is the unchanging nature of God.  Hope is the steadfast love of God.  Hope is the dependability of God.  Hope is not wishing for something.  Hope is not a feeling.  Hope is the certainty of the faithfulness of God.  God is always there.  Always has been.  Always will be.  God is a rock, a fortress, a strong tower.  If you find yourself losing hope sometime, think about what you pay attention to.  Pay attention to God.  Meditate upon him.  Think about what he is like.  Your hope will return.

Who is hope?  Hope is Jesus Christ.  We need Jesus.  We need a savior.  Just as an anchor works only when it is outside the ship, so we need someone outside ourselves to give us hope.  Jesus is our savior.  Jesus will not let us down.  We know what it is like to think we have found hope, and then have our hope disappointed.  We know what it is like to look for hope in what is going to prove to be no hope.  Jesus is hope for us.  Give your life to him, and he will give you hope.

John Chrysostom, archbishop of Constantinople in the late 300s, said, “While we are still in the world and not yet departed from this life, we are already living amid God’s promises.  For through hope we are already in heaven.”

In our sermon this Sunday we will look at what is hope, and who is hope, for this life, and for the life to come.