In this life you will be tested.  At some point you will find out if you have what it takes.  It might be a crisis that comes upon you, such as an illness or a financial reversal.  It might be a challenge to obey God despite some pressure to deny him.  Whatever the source, at some point you will be tested.

A warning: Don’t be over-confident.  Do assume you will pass the test.  Don’t seek out unnecessary challenges to discover how strong you are.  As the Bible says, “Flee from temptation.”  A lot of falls and failures began with someone boasting, “I can handle it.”  We all can fall.  You have been warned.

An assurance: Everyone gets tested.  When we go through a difficult time, we tend to isolate ourselves and we tend to believe that no one has ever faced a challenge as difficult as ours.  The reality is that lots of people have gone through very similar circumstances, and most of them emerged on the other side.  When you find yourself tested, rest assured that many people have already passed through the same test.

A statement about the nature of God: “God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it.” (I Corinthians 10:13).   God is faithful.  God is the same, yesterday and today and always.  This world will come and you.  Your problems will come and go.  You will come and go.  God remains.  It may seem that your trials and tribulations persist forever, but in all likelihood they pass fairly quickly.  Only God lasts.  God is faithful, and God will provide a way out.  The word is the Bible is “exodus.”  As God arranged an exodus for Moses and the people of Israel, so God will arrange your own personal exodus through your problems.  God will not allow you to avoid your test, but he will equip you to endure your test.

In our sermon this Sunday we will look at the tenth chapter of the First Letter to the Corinthians and talk about being tested.