God is not finished with you.  The Scriptures promise that God will complete the work he has begun in you. You will become more mature.  You will become a better person.  You will learn to handle adversity and disappointment better.  You will become a kinder person.  You will grow.  God gives the growth.  And God is not finished with you.

The process of maturing may take some time.  You may not look or behave differently today from the way you looked or behaved yesterday.  There is a pace of sanctification.  It would be nice if you could resolve to be a better person right now, and be done with it, but it doesn’t work that way.  It would be nice if you could improve without setbacks, but sometimes we take steps backwards.  That’s okay.  God will grow you.  It may take some time.

God will grow you, but no one else will completely understand how much you have changed.  It is important to accept that, because we all want affirmation.  We are all mysteries to one another.  Even the people closest to us will not fully appreciate all the obstacles we have overcome and all the strides forward we have made.  That’s okay.  We accept it.  You know.  God knows.

The Apostle Paul called the Corinthians “Infants in Christ.”  The bad part was that he considered them infants.  They had a lot of growing to do.  The good part was that they were in Christ.  They were already on the right track.  So are you, if you are in Christ.  You are on the right track.  You may have some growing to do, but it’s okay.  God will complete the work he has begun in you.