Everybody has a worldview, a perspective through which they view everything in their lives and in their world.  When a person becomes a follower of Jesus Christ, the cross is their worldview.

The worldview of the cross recognizes the reality of the fallen nature of humankind.  We are unable to fix the problems of the world through our own efforts.  The worldview of the cross celebrates the victory of God.  Not even the worst that fallen humanity can do will thwart God’s intention to save the world.  The worldview of the cross is a call to a life of service and sacrifice.  The cross of Jesus is the model for the life to which his followers are called.

This Sunday we will begin a new sermon series, “Real Time Faith-First Corinthians.”  For ten weeks we will be looking at the challenges of a first century church and what they have to teach us.  We begin where the letter begins.  We begin with the cross.