The good life is a life that is lived for Jesus Christ.  It is trusting him for your salvation and serving people in his name.  That is the life that is really life.

If there is a life that is really life, then there must be a life that is not really life.  And there is.  A life that is not really life is not necessarily a bad life.  It just falls short.  It overpromises and underdelivers.  It settles for too little.  Some people don’t want enough out of this life.  They think that if they could only surround themselves with nice things, or if they could only eliminate problems from their life, they would have a good life.  They are aiming too low.  We were made for more than that.  We were made to live for Jesus Christ.

There is a life that really is life.  It is the life where you trust Jesus for your salvation and you spend your life serving people in Jesus’ name.  Trusting Jesus for your salvation means that you accept that your imperfect life has been justified because of Jesus’s sacrifice for you.  You don’t need to live with shame over things you have done.  You don’t need to carry anger over things that have happened to you.  You have all you need in Jesus.  Once you come to trust in Jesus, you will be motivated to spending your life serving people.  You will want to be a person rich in good works.  That doesn’t necessarily mean that you will be frantic in chasing every opportunity to do good.  It doesn’t mean that you will do something spectacular.  It does mean that your life will be good.  And real.

Trusting Jesus and serving people.  That is the life that is really life.