God moved first.  God reached out to us before we even knew of our need for God.  We call this prevenient grace.

Prevenient grace needs to be recognized.  God was thinking of us before we were thinking of God, but for that to do us any good, we need to recognize grace.  Some people are better able to see God at work in the world than others.  We tend to see what we are looking for.  You will be more likely to see God at work in your life and in your world if you are looking for him.

Prevenient grace needs to be cultivated.  We need to be instructed and nurtured in the faith.  Otherwise, we will suffer a fall from grace, in the most literal sense.  That is why the ministry of discipling is as important as the ministry of preaching.  Grace that is not developed will soon die.

Prevenient grace needs to be trusted.  We need to lean upon the truth that God poured out blessing upon us and claimed us as his own before we knew what was going on.  Grace is more than the help we get on judgment day to help us pass the test.  The grace of God has been with us all along.  Trust your life, and your eternity, to the grace of God.  Recognize grace, cultivate grace, trust grace.  God moved first.  Prevenient grace.