Some churches are intentionally “seeker sensitive.”  They understand that there are people who are looking for something but don’t know exactly what they seek.  Let’s talk about how you can share Jesus with people who are spiritually motivated.

The first hint is that seekers are likely to be looking for Jesus.  They are not looking for church.  They are not looking for community.  They are not looking for a service project.  They are not looking to join a committee.  Nothing wrong with any of that, but a seeker is more likely to find what they are looking for in Jesus.

The second hint is that seekers come to Jesus in their own way at their own time.  It might take years.  The Holy Spirit moves where and when it will.  If you share Jesus and don’t get an immediate response, don’t be discouraged.  Seekers move at their own pace.

The third hint is that seekers need to hear the full gospel.  Don’t water it down.  Don’t dumb it down.  They don’t need to hear a simple tip for better living.  They need to hear about the cross.  Don’t be afraid to scare them off with the truth.  Better that than to drive them away because your message doesn’t make a difference.  They need to hear the full story about what Jesus has done for them.

In our sermon this Sunday we will talk about how to share Jesus with the motivated.