God is on a mission to fix this troubled world, and God wants you to tell people about his plan.  God’s assignment to you is called “The Great Commission.”

What would that look like?  How might you actually tell people about God’s plan to redeem the world through Jesus Christ?  Three thoughts.

First, if you are going to share about what God is doing, you have to live like you believe in God.  If you are going to make disciples, you have to be a disciple.  You have to walk the walk.  You have to pray.  You have to read the Bible.  You have to go to church.  You have to be help the poor.  You have to be kind to the stranger.  You have to love your neighbor.  You have to love your enemy.  If you are going to share what God is doing, you have to live like you believe.

Second, maybe your family is your mission field.  Family is the building block of society.  Family is critical for every person.  Don’t neglect the spiritual health of those to whom you are closest and for whom you have responsibility.   The fruits of your evangelism may be your son, your daughter, your nephew, your niece, your grandchildren.

Third, invest in the next generation.  Maybe your children are grown, maybe you don’t have children.  Find a program where you can mentor or tutor or coach a youth or young adult.  When they ask why you are bothering with them, it will be your opportunity to tell them that God has been good to you and you want to pay it forward.  It will be your opportunity to tell them about God’s mission.

In our sermon this Sunday we will wrap up our sermon series, “Why Am I Here?” with a message, “”I’m Here to Serve on God’s Mission.”