In his letter to the Colossians, the Apostle Paul says that his goal is to present everyone mature in Christ.  Paraphrase: our destiny is to become like Jesus.  What does that mean?

It means we are always growing intellectually.  We are life-long learners.  The Christian faith is not an alternative to clear thinking.  The Christian faith is a commitment to clear thinking, to the truth.

It means we are always growing emotionally.  We develop self-discipline and self-control.  We learn to consider the needs of others.  We are proactive, not reactive.

It means we are always growing spiritually.  We desire to know God.  We practice the disciplines that make it possible for us to hear what God is trying to tell us.

It means we are always growing as human beings.  We are ever more kind, generous, selfless.  We live for others.

How are we able to grow in all these ways?  Paul tells us the mystery in three words: “Christ in us.”

In our sermon this Sunday, we will continue our sermon series “Why Am I Here?”  with a message, “I’m Here to Become Like Jesus.”