“Trust in the Lord with your whole heart, and do not rely on your own understanding.”  -Proverbs 3:5  That’s our sermon title for this coming Sunday.  What does it mean?

First, it means that we should get all the wisdom we can.  God made us to think.  Cheetahs are meant to run.  Giraffes are meant to eat the leaves from the tops of the trees.  Human beings are meant to think.  Intentional ignorance helps nothing.  We should get all the wisdom we can.

Second, it means that we should not be too certain about our wisdom.  We never have all the information, or see from every perspective.  We have a strong capacity to deceive ourselves.  It is best to stay humble, and question our certainty.

Third, it means that no matter what we know, or don’t know, we should trust in God.  Wisdom and faith are not opposites, nor are they mutually exclusive.   One’s faith in God is foundational to a life of wisdom.   Sometimes you will have a clear plan for your future, and other times you won’t be able to do anymore than to hold on and pray.  Either way, trust in the Lord with your whole heart.

In our sermon this Sunday, we will look at this Proverb and think about how we blend our knowledge and our faith.